Creating a UI with Figma to Cursor MCP Server

3 min read

Give Cursor, Windsurf, Cline, and other AI-powered coding tools access to your Figma files with this MCP Model Context Protocol server. When Cursor has access to Figma design data, it’s way better at one-shotting designs accurately than alternative approaches like pasting screenshots.

Try Figma MCP server

Video Timeline & Transcript

Time Content
0:00 Do a quick demo of this Figma MCP
0:03 Server and its connection into Cursor
0:06 We’re just going to implement this kind
0:07 Of simple design, it’s laid out
0:11 Nicely in Figma with a lot of Auto
0:13 Layouts and things like that which
0:15 The MCP server will pick up and
0:20 Hopefully be able to implement in mostly
0:23 One shot so I’m going to go ahead and in
0:26 Agent mode I’m just going to drop a link
0:28 To the Figma I copy a link directly to
0:31 The node by going into Figma and
0:33 Selecting the top level node that I want
0:35 To implement, copying as a link to the
0:39 Selection and then dropping it in here
0:42 So this looks pretty promising and so we
0:44 Started from truly a blank
0:46 Page and now we have this it’s not
0:49 Terrible
0:52 So I like it I’m going to go ahead and
0:55 Accept
0:56 Everything and I’m going to ask for a
0:58 Followup and so obviously this
1:01 Section is not what we want, it’s kind
1:03 Of neat it even pulled the right font
1:05 From Google but this section the process
1:09 Section itself is not super tight so
1:11 What we’re going to do is Click
1:14 Into the process section I’m going to go
1:17 Ahead and copy a link to that
1:20 Specifically and then I’m going to go
1:22 Ahead and start a new chat, it doesn’t
1:24 Seem to work super well if you try and
1:27 Give it a new Figma file inside the same
1:31 Chat so I’m just going to go ahead and
1:32 Say update the process
1:40 Section all right so we’ll save that and
1:43 Refresh okay so it’s not quite working I
1:46 Think the issue should be relatively
1:49 Straightforward to resolve but I
1:53 Think at this point I would probably
1:54 Step in and do things manually but
1:57 Anyway kind of helpful

💡 Key Tips:

  • Start a new chat session when working with a new Figma file
  • Copy specific node links for more precise updates
  • Manual adjustments might be needed in some cases for optimal results


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